MVRail Track & System

The diagram below gives a rough overview of our track system. The main station is Morphett Vale; all other named stations are merely location names – no physical
station exists. The total track system is approximately 2kms.

Station facilities such as a Traverser, Turntable, Workshops, Platforms and two-storey Signal Cabin are at Morphett Vale, along with an extensive station yard with 12 shed roads and numerous auxiliary roads.

The Algebuckina Bridge is a highlight of the system, being over 40 metres in length and over 4 metres high at its highest point above Christies Creek. A smaller road
bridge is located at the 800m mark, there is also a 12mtr tunnel.

The system uses track circuited electric colour-light speed signalling with all signals being automatic; except those at Morphett Vale station where signals and
switches are controlled from the Signal Cabin (Train Control). Solar powered signals and remote controlled switches are used in various locations.

MVRail Track & System